Diploma di superamento dell'esame conclusivo degli studi di [stream]
Translation in English
Awarding body
1. Segreteria di Stato Istruzione e Cultura
2. Scuola secondaria superiore
Total number of years of schooling
Useful links
Comments/Additional Information
The "Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” is obtained after passing the relevant State Exam taken after a total of 13 of schooling and at the end of the study course in one of the following lyceum which indicates also the track the completed study: Liceo Classico (classical), Liceo Scientifico (scientific), Liceo Linguistico (linguistics) and Liceo Economico (economic).
Comments/Additional Information
The "Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” is obtained after passing the relevant State Exam taken after a total of 13 of schooling and at the end of the study course in one of the following lyceum which indicates also the track the completed study: Liceo Classico (classical), Liceo Scientifico (scientific), Liceo Linguistico (linguistics) and Liceo Economico (economic).
Grading system: minimum 60/100, maximum 100/100.
Awarding period: June/July.