
Name of the qualification in original language


Translation in English

Graduation certificate (upper secondary course, specialised training college)

Transliteration in Latin alphabet

sotsugyo-shosho (senshugakko-koto-katei)

Awarding body

Each specialized training college approved in accordance with the School Education Act.

Total number of years of schooling

12 years

Comments/Additional Information

A graduation certificatef from upper secondary course of specialized training college which lasts 3 years or longer is recognized as an entry qualification to postsecondary courses (専門課程 [senmon-katei]) of the same type of institutions in Japan. It is also a recognized entry qualification to universities (大学) if the course which lasts for three year or longer satisfies all the conditions set by and receives recognition by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. There are two types of documents: 卒業証書 (sotsugyo-shosho) is a certificate which is issued only once, whereas 卒業証明書 (sotsugyo-shomeisho) is a commonly used document to prove one’s qualification for further study and can be issued in multiple times. The latter, 卒業証明書 is, in most cases, available in English as well.

Awarding period: As an access qualification to universities in Japan, completion of 3 years or longer of study with 2590 classhours or longer is necessary.

A list of specialized training colleges is usually available for each prefecture where an institution is located but in most cases in the Japanese language.

Update date of the records: 28/02/2020