Certificate of General Entrance Examination
elseltiin yrunhii shalgaltiin batlamj
Боловсролын Үнэлгээний Төв - Education Evaluation Center
In order for the student to enter a higher education institution in Mongolia, students are required to take Элсэлтийн Ерөнхий Шалгалт, Entrance Examination in English, besides having Certificate of Secondary Education. Based on the score achieved on the Entrance Examination, students are ranked. As universities have a set quota on how many students can enroll each year, students will then be admitted in accordance with their order of ranking. The maximum score of this exam is 800, and MECSS approves the minimum score to enter the HEI’s by Public universities and Private universities. For example, In 2019 MECSS approved minimum scores to enter the public universities to 480 scores of 800, to enter the private universities to 410 of 800 scores and the score to enter HEI’s which are located in rural areas is 400.
800 = 100%,
General Entrance Qualification: Around 410-480, can be changed on a yearly basis
2 years of validity